這個項目自2013年起積極為SDGs 11(可持續城市和社區)工作,與「上間倉村」合作,並嘗試與義工一起啟動新項目。
備注:此網頁的報名費除了涵蓋當地工作營費 (JPY 9,000)、食宿安排及營前支援,部分金額亦會用於支持義遊推動「世界公民理念」的不同工作。
This project is actively working for SDGs 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), organized together with "Kamimamakuchi village" since 2013, and they tried starting new project with volunteer.
Depopulation (especially of youth) is a serious problem here similarly in many other country sides. This village have only 20 families and very few young people. It is difficult to keep traditional culture and community work, so we aim to help keeping this landscape/cultures and telling local village’s
attraction by young power!
(Location: Ishikawa, JAPAN)
(1) 在靠近山區的籬笆上作畫
(2) 農業:收穫稻米
(3) 協助當地人舉辦活動,以及為社區做其他工作。
Main works are
(1) Drawing on the fences that are near mountain
(2) Agriculture: harvesting rice
(3) Supporting the events with local people, and do some other work for the community.
- 村莊裡的社區中心設有乾淨的廚房和廁所。
- 參加者可以在當地居民家中洗澡。
- 請自備睡袋
- 參加者需自行準備膳食
- 社區中心沒有提供Wi-Fi
- The community center in the village.
- There are clean kitchen and toilet.
- Volunteers take a shower in the kindly local people's houses.
- Please bring sleeping bag!
- Volunteers prepare the meals by themselves.
- Wi-Fi is not available.