本計畫積極致力於實現永續發展目標 2(消除飢餓)和永續發展目標 15(保育陸域生態)。
伊方町以柑橘種植業而聞名,但當地一直面臨人口減少、缺乏勞動力、土地貧瘠等問題。 由於大多數年輕人都離開了小鎮,因此廢棄的柑橘園越來越多,小鎮的傳統、生活、習俗和風景也逐漸消失。有興趣的話,一定不能錯過這次的保育行動!
This project is actively working for SDG2 (Zero Hunger) and SDGS15 (Life on Land), organized together with Kikuya Community Group (KCG), formed by the local young people to think of the future of their small village, since 2008.
Ikata is famous for its main industry of mandarins farming, but has been facing depopulation, lack of workers and aging society since most of young people leave the town. So, the number of abandoned mandarin farms is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and scenery. KCG strongly hopes to host vols. to work together to animate the town and revive the farms.
(Location: Ikata, Nishiuwa District, Ehime, JAPAN)
Volunteers will help mandarin farming, Harvesting, taking care of trees, cuttinggrass etc.(it depend on season), support local youth club (If youhave chance), and create new activities to animate the town.
Share room (male and female are separated) at the volunteer’s house. It is traditional Japanese style house. Volunteers cook by themselves.