此網頁的報名費除了涵蓋當地工作營費(USD 230)、食宿安排及營前支援,部分金額亦會用於支持義遊推動「世界公民理念」的不同工作。
Since the end of cold war, wave of global/ market economy has come also to Mongolia with some negative effects such as more deforestation and other environmental destruction, more difference between rich and poor people, etc. They also face some other problems like big fire, shortage of food, abnormal weather for the last three years, death of cattle by shortage of fodder etc. On the other hand, Mongolia has very attractive rich history/ culture/ nature and warm hearts from that we can enjoy/ learn a lot!
Anyway, there are lot of needs for international voluntary projects to improve the situation by practical works, by encouraging awareness and actions of local people, etc. and we would like to see its possibility (and limitation) together with you!!!
We will teach/practice English to kids who live in suburb of Ulaanbaatar. Until year 1990 Mongolian kids were studying only Russian as a second language. But since 1990 because of Democratic changes students got chance to learn English too. Now almost all students studying English. But those kids has no chance to use their English at the School. Their speaking skill is quite bad. So that is why we are organizing English teaching workcamp for the local kids. There will be around 15-20 students who are aged between 12-15 years old. Age of students could be slightly changed.
(Location: Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA)
- 教授當地小朋友基本英語會話
- 玩遊戲、唱歌仔,寓教於樂
- 分享自己國家嘅文化故事
- 幫助小朋友提升口語能力
- 舉辦互動工作坊,激發學習興趣
The main work will be teach English, song and games etc for local kids. Also please be ready to introduce your own country and culture. We may also do some workshops with them for Asian common actions of NVDA for kids. Volunteers are not professional teachers. Volunteers do run more practical English conversation club. Volunteers need to bring some games to have fun with kids + many ideas for teaching practical English conversation ideas + supporting materials such as color pens, pictures, presentation, audio and video files. Most of the kids' English level will be basic.
- 住喺當地嘅宿舍,提供暖氣
- 需自備睡袋,防凍裝備
- 與其他參加者輪流煮食、打掃
- 提供基本嘅熱水澡設備
- 宿舍有Wi-Fi,但建議買SIM卡
During the workcamp volunteers will stay at dormitory. Hot shower is available. Volunteers will use bunk bed and rooms will be heated all the time. Will be hot indoor. No washing machine available. Hand wash welcomed. Recommend volunteers to buy SIM card with Date even though there is Wi-Fi at accommodation. Anyway, don't expect luxurious condition. We should be ready and happy to have the same conditions as local people for meals, rooms, bath, etc.
- 參觀蒙古古都哈拉和林
- 騎駱駝遊小戈壁沙漠
- 漫遊烏蘭巴托市區
- 體驗蒙古傳統文化
- 欣賞壯麗山景,拍攝夕陽
During the workcamp volunteers will have 2 days free and usually volunteers use these days to do some short trip around Mongolia. Almost all volunteers use this day for trips to Little Gobi (Mongol els) and Kharkhorin (ancient capital of Mongolia).