備註:此網頁的報名費除了涵蓋當地工作營費 (USD 220.00)、食宿安排及營前支援,部分金額亦會用於支持義遊推動「世界公民理念」的不同工作。
The Center for Sustainable Development (CSD) began in 2014 as the CYA Learning Center (CLC), with the aims to promote higher education among local children and teenagers, preserve and protect local cultural heritage, and improve the living conditions of local people.Volunteers have been the cornerstone of CSDs success. They started by building bamboo classrooms, designing our beautiful library and stocking it with thousands of books, donating computers for our computer classes, and teaching English, music, arts, and sports to local students. Remarkably, all our services are offered free of charge. In addition to supporting our non-formal education programs, volunteers play a crucial role in engaging the community. They help organize events and ceremonies to preserve local cultural heritage and foster community spirit.
- 教授英語和電腦課程
- 安排圖書館活動
- 菜園農作物種植
- 組織文化保護活動
- 社區活動策劃
At CLC, volunteers will work with our local staff in Teaching English, Computer, organize Library activities for students, and work on vegetable of CLC.
- 住在中心內的志願者宿舍
- 宿舍配備多個廁所和浴室
Volunteers will be hosted in the volunteer's house inside the center, featuring several toilets and bathrooms.
- 參觀Kampot和Kep的旅遊景點
- 探索Bokor和Kep國家公園
- 遊覽兔子島、Tuk Chhou瀑布和Kep海灘
There are many tourist attractions in Kampot and Kep province. They are Bokor National Park, Kep National Park, Koh Tonsay, Tuk Chhou Waterfall, Kep beach, and more