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備註:此網頁的報名費除了涵蓋當地工作營費 (如適用) 、食宿安排及營前支援,部分金額亦會用於支持義遊推動「世界公民理念」的不同工作。


Want to experience the joy of archaeological excavation and explore the history of an ancient castle? Join our workcamp at Sant Iscle Castle in Vidreres! Participants will assist in archaeological digs, cleaning, and classifying archaeological materials, and will have the opportunity to learn about Catalan culture and history. Work hours are in the morning, followed by rich cultural exchange and leisure activities in the afternoon. This is a unique chance to engage in meaningful archaeological work and make friends from around the world. Spaces are filling up quickly, sign up now!


(Location: Vidreres, Spain)


HK$7,500.00 Regular Price
HK$5,850.00Sale Price
Only 4 left in stock
  • 主要工作

    • 考古發掘
    • 清理考古遺址
    • 分類考古材料
    • 學習考古技術


    The work camp "Castell de Sant Iscle: searching for a past" can be summarized as follows: two weeks to share experiences with people from all over the world, get to know the environment, participate in activities, create group awareness and share experiences from of respect Acquire archaeological and cultural knowledge of Catalonia through the Sant Iscle Castle as a pillar of the field of work, complemented by the various trips to tourist sites in the area. During the work at the castle, the aim is to raise awareness about the impact of abandonment, the passage of time and some human actions on the historical and archaeological heritage and the importance of its preservation and recovery, through an activity and an active attitude of respect for the heritage and for its environment. The hours of work in the castle are carried out in the morning and outside, during which the various archaeological excavation techniques will be made known, according to the composition and nature of the remains that come out, and the registration systems that are used. At the same time, cleaning tasks and knowledge of the various archaeological material recovered will be carried out. The work will be organized as follows: small groups of young people will be formed, part of one of which, in a rotating manner, will carry out tasks of cleaning and classifying the archaeological material, while the rest will each excavate one of the sectors described. Depending on the speed of the progress of the tasks, the opening of a new sector of excavations can be considered. No previous experience is needed to participate in this field of work.

  • 食宿安排

    為答謝各參加者的投入和參與,當地機構將會安排參加者住在Escola Salvador Espriu學校的體育館,男女不分區,並提供床墊和儲物架。位於學校的更衣室設有淋浴和洗手盆。所有餐點由外部廚師在學校餐廳準備。


    The work camp, like the other activities organized by the GEPV, takes place at Escola Salvador Espriu. During the summer, the school adapts in order to carry out all the activities. It is located on the outskirts of the village, with a lot of green areas nearby. All participants will be living in the same space (the school gymnasium) and the room will be shared with no gender separation: the sleeping area will be equipped with mattresses and wardrobes for all participants, but it is necessary to bring a sleeping bag and a pillow. For personal hygiene, volunteers will use the school s changing rooms, which are equipped with showers and sinks, and the changing rooms are going to be divided by girls/boys.: It s important to bring clothing suitable for high temperatures. With the sun shining bright, lightweight and breathable fabrics are key to staying comfortable throughout the day. It s also wise to pack a few layers just in case the weather turns slightly chilly, especially during the evenings or early mornings. All the meals provided will be prepared by an external chef and the food is going to be prepared in the school kitchen. Adjacent to the kitchen space is the dining hall, where meals are typically served. If anyone has any dietary restrictions or is vegetarian, the organization will accommodate volunteer needs. There are going to be breaks for snacks.


  • 閒餘時間

    • 破冰遊戲
    • 尋寶遊戲
    • 加泰羅尼亞文化工作坊
    • 蒙面工作坊
    • 加泰羅尼亞保齡球比賽
    • 當地名勝遊覽
    • 星空觀賞
    • 戶外晚餐


    During the camp, leisure activities are developed with coherence aiming to achieve group cohesion among participants and fulfill the camp s objectives. Some activities, as examples of our work, may include:- Ice-breaking games.- Scavenger hunt to get to know the town of Vidreres and its people.- Catalan culture workshop: traditional dances and games.- Mask-making workshop.- Catalan bowling matches.- Excursion to CaulEs hermitage, the Llobet swamps, Montseny, Sils lakes and Girona- Stargazing. - Orienteering race.- Non-contact sports night.- Fun outdoor dinner.- Movie night.- Group dynamics.

備注:上述工作營的簡介及資訊只供參考,接待機構有機會按當地社區狀況、項目安排、天氣等不同因素去作調動。工作營簡介資料有機會在翻譯及撮要過程中與原文出現差異,實際工作營簡介以英文版本 / 當地提供的最終資訊為準。
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交通 機票

部分Excursion /






義遊的角色 及 報名費用安排:

工作營 (workcamp) 自1920年開始,是世界最早的國際義務工作/國際志願服務(International Voluntary Service),並已被聯合國教科文組織 (UNESCO) 視為一種非正規的教育形式,影響力廣受國際社會認可,而你正透過義遊,連繫世界各地的工作營夥伴,為推動這份理念作出貢獻。


義遊是一間在香港正式註冊的慈善團體,自2009年開始立足香港,推動國際義務工作發展及推動世界公民理念。為保獨立性,我們一直並未接受任何政府或基金的恆常資助,並以自負盈虧的模式營運至今。在報名工作營時繳交的申請費用,除了會包括工作營當地機構收取的營費 (Extra Fee/ Camp Fee) 、以及在工作營頁面中提及的義遊各項工作營前支援外,部分資金亦會用於支持義遊作為慈善機構的各項社區項目、基層及青年計劃、和推動世界公民理念的工作。(注意:因應各地機構截然不同的運作模式,不同國家/地區出發的參加者所需的申請費用,會因各地機構安排而有所不同。)






「喺workcamp中遇到嘅人大部分都好好相處,雖然呢度嘅氣溫同食物一開始需要適應,但學校既小朋友好醒目同活躍!呢度每日schedule 非常flexible,會按照每日情況安排煮早餐、上堂、lunch、local trip、諗聽日教咩、煮晚餐。整體最享受係同其他camper相處既時間!」




「團友互相照顧、體諒,當地既人都好照顧大家 !」

「我覺得super nice,camp leader的安排也不錯」



「啲人好nice ,可以用休閒嘅步伐了解當地社區」

*  備注:上述感想取自參與不同國家工作營的參加者感受,僅供作為整體國際工作營體驗的參考。

了解更多 - 過往香港參加者


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【義遊達人】年幼喪父、母患精神病 義遊創辦人:生存有甚麼意義

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在地夢想家 Changemakers - 義遊 Bird Tang (上)

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人物X概念:義遊 X 世界公民 鄧緯榮 鴕鳥變身不死鳥


創辦社企拓義遊 鄧緯榮疫境求生


# 1

在工作營開始前至少四星期:填寫正確資料及優惠碼 (如適用)、繳交款項,及完成系統顯示的「最後一步」資料表格。

# 2

義遊會與當地機構確認名額。請於當地確認名額後:才購買機票  (確認程序大約為 7-10個工作天)。

# 3


# 4


國際工作營 - 報名四步曲

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國際工作營 - 時間安排


在指定時間於集合地點(Meeting Point) 與其他人參加者及Camp Leader集合 (集合地點一般會為市中心/ 車站/ 機場 / 或容易前往的地標)。



與當地Camp Leader一同按當地情況及日程,進行不同的服務項目、社區體驗、文化交流活動


大部分工作營期間會設有適當時間的Free Time,讓你可與其他參加者商討及自費遊覽想參與的Excursion/ 地點。


工作營一般會於午飯時間左右解散,當地Camp Leader會按情況建議/安排參加者返回市中心/集合地點。


在計劃機票時,若你需於工作營最後一日離開當地,建議選擇於工作營最後一日黃昏/晚上起飛的航班,以預留足夠的交通及check-in時間 (當然亦歡迎在工作營完結後,在當地多留幾日自由遊覽)

* 備注:以上時間安排為大部分國際工作營的普遍安排,部分工作營會因應當地情況而設有特別安排。

當地機構會於工作營開始前大約一個月,為參加者提供一份 Info Sheet,說明有關集合及工作營期間的安排。

心思思考慮緊參加工作營?  立即訂閱義遊最新消息啦!

我哋會喺推出工作營優惠 / 生日優惠 / 精選推薦時,優先通知你!

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若你有興趣搜尋/了解其他未有在義遊中文頁面顯示的項目/ 長期工作營,請按此:

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