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Join us to co-create a better society!


This Hackathon is a part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. This year, the Hackathon aims to encourage local secondary school students to support innovative district-based community initiatives, helping disadvantaged communities build resilience and become future-ready.


The programme also promotes green thinking and sustainable practices while fostering community growth, enhancing social inclusion, and building a sustainable and resource-efficient future. Additionally, Gerontech and cross-generational inclusion initiatives are welcome.

(Details of the "HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme: Press Here)



  • 社區創新體驗日:由專業社創團隊在比賽準備期間,分享開拓社創項目時的心法和技巧,一同探索如何令項目更有效回應社區需要

  • 項目起動基金:所有入選決賽的隊伍,皆可獲得$1,500元起動基金,支持團隊發展有關項目。

  • 勝出隊伍有機會獲得:「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃」SMART Community Hackathon比賽獎座和嘉許狀,以及價值 $1,500 的電子平台禮券,更有機會於不同公眾展覽展出作品。

  • 導師配對及分享:入圍決賽的隊伍可獲配對具備社創經驗/項目相關範疇的導師,為項目日後的發展方向提供意見及回饋。

參賽資格: 每隊參賽隊伍由3 - 7名成員組成,每位參賽隊員必須是全日制中一至中六的學生。


Key Themes
Future Skills
  • Help disadvantaged communities enhance employability and financial capability and become more resilient and future-proof.


  • Include soft skills (such as creativity, connectivity, resilience, and growth mindset), technical skills (such as digital literacy, financial management, and vocational skills).

  • Adapt to the changing lifestyle or workstyle in or after pandemic years, such as adapting to the new virtual behavior, remote-work, online activities, etc.

Green Skills
  • Promote green skills, i.e. the skills required to deliver low carbon transitions, as well as the knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes needed to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society.

  • Promote sustainable development in Hong Kong to enable the future generations to meet their own needs

Gerontech (New Theme)
  • Build resilience and improve well-being among elderly and those who are living in vulnerable conditions, enhance personal and family wellness and resilience, social cohesion, and re-construct social capital.

  • Promote active ageing with innovative approaches (such as digital inclusion, green living) to enhance the quality of life of the seniors.

  • Introduce other types of short or long-term measures that improve the livelihood of other underprivileged groups and their carers.

Prizes and Subsidy Arrangements
  • 所有入圍決賽的隊伍 (共20隊):皆可獲得 $1,500元的項目起動基金「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃」SMART Community Hackathon 「優異獎狀」、並在11- 12月期間獲配對具備社創經驗/項目相關範疇的導師,為項目的發展方向提供意見及回饋。

Award categories:

“The Most Outstanding Project Award” (最佳項目獎): Recognizes the workpiece that achieves the most balanced and highest scores on all the judging criteria.


“Community-Impact Award” (社區效益獎): Recognizes the workpiece that utilizes technology in means that not only considers the best interest of this city, but also fills gaps in services the urgent community needs.


“Pioneering Technology Award” (創新科技獎):Recognizes the workpiece that demonstrates outstanding knowledge and implementation in innovation and technology.


“Best Potential Award” (最具潛能獎): Recognizes the workpiece that shows the highest practicability. 


“Gerontech Award”(樂齡科技獎)(New Award):  This award goes to the workpiece that promotes active ageing with innovative approaches to enhance the quality of life of the seniors.

  • All the groups in the finalist (20 teams) will be awarded a “Certificate of Merit” and a seed funding of HK$5,000 improve your project

  • All the 5 winning teams (selected by judges) will be awarded the “Certificate of Excellence”, and HKD 5,000 “Apple App Store & iTunes/ Google Play” Gift Card.

  • There will be a Special Award: “Most Popular Project (Online Voting)” this year. The award goes to the top entry via the online ballot. The awardee will receive an additional certificate and HK$500 “Apple App Store & iTunes/ Google Play” Gift Card as a reward.

Programme Timeline

Date/ Time


27 July (Thur) 3 - 5 pm

Pitching Workshop (online)

Learn from the masters by attending the pitching workshop, where they can learn how to effectively introduce their ideas within a short period of time and be more prepared for the coming pitching session.

  • ​備注:「社區創新體驗日」為自選性質的體驗項目,同學可在當日活動後、再決定是否參與比賽

  • 而未能參與「社區創新體驗日」的同學/ 學校,亦可報名參與今次Hackathon 比賽

Website Heading Image_SMART Community Hackathon 2024.jpg

15 May - 11 July (17:00)



20 July (Thur)

Shortlisted Project Announcement for Panel Presentation

10月19日 (星期六)



18 August (Fri)



11 - 12 月



11月 21 - 24 日



12月 ​(日期待定)


由機構導師 / 企業代表在決賽舉行前聆聽入圍隊伍的匯報,為組別的表達技巧 / 項目理念提供回饋意見,為決賽做好準備。

12月14日 (星期六) ​



20 September – 20 October

Online Voting (for “My Favorite Project ” Award)

2025年1 - 5 月





2025年4月  ​(日期待定)

滙豐香港社區節 2024 

Application Details

Contestants must be current secondary school students. Each team should have 3-7 members.

Each school or NGO can nominate up to 6 suitable workpieces (6 groups) for participation.

Project Description

Suggested content (Word restriction: ~500):


  • Introduction of the workpiece and objectives

  • How the workpiece can be applied in the community to achieve “Future Skills” and/or “Green Skills” and/or “Gerontech”

  • Innovative elements that are applied and how the workpiece help tackle problems etc.

  • Expected advantages to the community

Project Snapshots

  • Number of photos: Not more than 5 in total

  • Size: Less than 2 MB for each photo

  • Format: JPG / JPEG / PNG

  • Content (might be posted on social media platform for online voting):

    • Design and brainstorming process

    • Work-in-progress snapshot

    • Project Teammates

Video Introduction (If Applicable)

Length: Less than 2 mins

Language: Chinese OR English


  • Project summary, including objective, rationale, design concept, use of technology, implementation and any other project-related element

  • Workpiece demonstration with wide-shots and close-ups

  • Brief introduction of the project team, including student(s) and teacher(s)

(Remarks: A short video can effectively help the judges understand the strengths and characteristics of the project. We highly encourage you to choose including a short video when submitting your project)

Application Details

Project Description

Suggested content (Word restriction: ~500):


  • Introduction of the workpiece and objectives

  • How the workpiece can be applied in the community to achieve “Future Skills” and/or “Green Skills” and/or “Gerontech”

  • Innovative elements that are applied and how the workpiece help tackle problems etc.

  • Expected advantages to the community

2. 創科精神(20%)

👉🏻 表現對創新及科技的知識及應用​

👉🏻 原創性​​、前瞻性​

Project Description

Suggested content (Word restriction: ~500):


  • Introduction of the workpiece and objectives

  • How the workpiece can be applied in the community to achieve “Future Skills” and/or “Green Skills” and/or “Gerontech”

  • Innovative elements that are applied and how the workpiece help tackle problems etc.

  • Expected advantages to the community

4. 可持續性(20%)

👉🏻 項目具潛力發展成可持續的商業模式​

👉🏻 項目能獲得社區中不同持份者的支持

👉🏻 項目能展現綠色/可持續生活的理念

Project Description

Suggested content (Word restriction: ~500):


  • Introduction of the workpiece and objectives

  • How the workpiece can be applied in the community to achieve “Future Skills” and/or “Green Skills” and/or “Gerontech”

  • Innovative elements that are applied and how the workpiece help tackle problems etc.

  • Expected advantages to the community

Previous Programme Highlight

Public Engagement


Sharing by winning teams


Mentorship Support

Deadline: July 11, 2023 (Tuesday) 17:00

For frequently asked questions, please press here

If you have any other questions about the programme, feel free to contact us via / 2683 5900 (Ms. Ho).

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