HHSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme
SMART Community Hackathon
Introduction of the Projects
可道中學位於洪水橋。我們生於斯長於斯,為了讓其他地區的人士能更了解我們社區的特色景點及文化,因而選定屏山文物徑以及天后廟作為今次比賽作品的主 題。從而讓參與者能夠見識到虛擬現實中文物景點,亦能讓老年人能夠足不出戶就重新體驗到這些景點的不同特色。讓老年人加深記憶,回想起舊日時光
Introduction Video:
Competition background
This Hackathon is a part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. This year, the Hackathon aims to encourage local secondary school students to support innovative district-based community initiatives, helping disadvantaged communities build resilience and become future-ready.
The programme also promotes green thinking and sustainable practices while fostering community growth, enhancing social inclusion, and building a sustainable and resource-efficient future. Additionally, Gerontech and cross-generational inclusion initiatives are welcome.
(Details of the "HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme: Press Here)
Join us to co-create a better society!
If you have any other questions about the programme, feel free to contact us via programme@voltra.org / 2683 5900 (Ms. Ho).