HHSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme
SMART Community Hackathon
Introduction of the Projects
跟據我們的資料搜集及研究,不少研究證實VR對緩和痛楚的成效顯著,更勝其他治療。我們的作品獲香港青年協會及嶺南大學邀請合作於 「耆青傳耆II-長青號」計劃中應用,我們與長者訪談瞭解他們的需要,為他們打造「傳耆」記錄包括長者的個人成就以承傳生活智慧。計劃中的長者皆患有不同程度的認知障礙,他們於對話中談及了昔日彌敦道的霓虹燈景象以及他們往時生活點滴,因而激發了我們的研究興趣。我們利用VR科技重現香港消失的場景,志在便利長者能夠用一部智能裝置就能夠「重遊」舊地,懷緬過去以舒緩他們的認知障礙症及提升其精神健康。
Introduction Video:
Competition background
This Hackathon is a part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme. This year, the Hackathon aims to encourage local secondary school students to support innovative district-based community initiatives, helping disadvantaged communities build resilience and become future-ready.
The programme also promotes green thinking and sustainable practices while fostering community growth, enhancing social inclusion, and building a sustainable and resource-efficient future. Additionally, Gerontech and cross-generational inclusion initiatives are welcome.
(Details of the "HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme: Press Here)
Join us to co-create a better society!
If you have any other questions about the programme, feel free to contact us via programme@voltra.org / 2683 5900 (Ms. Ho).